Knit for Food Knit-A-Thon
Knit for Food Knit-a-Thon 2025 aise funds and awareness for food insecurity and 100% of funds raised will be equally divided between Feeding America, World Central Kitchen, No Kid Hungry, and Meals on Wheels.

Spring Fest
Local vendors, food and drink specials, and music from DJ Chizzzik to welcome Spring!

Studio for Art & Craft Stoneware Pottery Workshop
Tis the season for home and garden pottery, including some new pieces! Why stoneware? It's super durable - you can bake in it, use it in the microwave and even put it in the dishwasher. And the colors and patterns you can create are out of this world. Our talented team will help you get the look you are after. You just pick your piece(s) from our home and garden line, colors and design and we'll show you how!
Visit https://app.getoccasion.com/p/n/NdCfxwtZ for tickets!

Legends of the Tabletop Presents D&D Brew Crawl
Join us for a night of Dungeons & Dragons-themed brews and great food! Participate in a One-Shot written by Legends of the Tabletop.
Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dd-brew-crawl-tickets-1295216319879?aff=ebdssbdestsearch to reserve your spot!

Karaoke Night Annabel’s Version
Come join us for Karaoke Night every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 7-9 pm.

Catawampus Band playing covers of your favorite songs on Saturday August 10, 6-8 pm

Catawampus Band playing covers of your favorite songs on Saturday August 10, 6-8 pm

Andrew Jordan
Andrew Jordan at Union Street Brewing Co. Friday, October 25, 2023 6:00 PM-8:00 PM